Spinal Health & Wellness

5 Helpful Tips for Maintaining Spinal Health and Wellness

Whether you have spinal problems now or want to maintain optimal health, taking care of your spine is essential to your overall health and wellness. Indeed, a chiropractor at our Marsch Chiropractic Center in Orangeburg, SC can provide you with exceptional advice. These tips can help you care for your spine and be healthier and happier. 

Spinal Health & Wellness

Why Taking Care of Your Spine Is Important

For one, maintaining your spine now means you can prevent future problems. In fact, it's vital to note that back pain isn't normal no matter how old you are. Therefore, making excuses for your back pain can lead to more serious issues. For example, misalignment of the spine can cause reduced flexibility, headaches, numbness, weakness, and other problems. Further, your spine supports your entire body, and not taking care of it can lead to the dysfunction of vital organs and systems. 

Stay Active

If you're at work and you sit a lot, staying in this position for an excessive period of time could be unhealthy for your spine. Try taking frequent breaks when you can. You can use this time to keep your back flexible by stretching, exercising, walking, and moving around. 

Practice Yoga

You can stretch and strengthen muscles by doing yoga. If you're a beginner with existing conditions, remember to start slow. A yoga instructor can give you recommendations for poses to help protect your spinal health and wellness. You can try taking affordable classes online or locally. 

Avoid Inflammatory Foods

Foods that can cause inflammation are red meats, dairy, refined sugar, and others. Instead, choose anti-inflammatory foods like broccoli, avocados, mushrooms, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, olive oil, blueberries, and many more. For starters, you can make it easier to eat healthily by adding these foods to meals and snacks on a daily basis. 

Be Careful When Lifting

Bending and lifting heavy items can put extra strain on your spine. The correct way to lift is to maintain a straight back as you bend your knees and utilize your legs' strength to finish lifting. Besides this, bending at the knees and not at the waist is appropriate. 

Stay at a Healthy Weight

Being overweight can put excessive weight on your spine. Further, extra weight can cause other physical conditions or diseases. And these can worsen existing issues or impair the spine even more. 

Contact a Family Chiropractor

Considering your options? A family chiropractor at our Marsch Chiropractic Center in Orangeburg, SC, would be happy to help with spinal health and wellness. Contact us at (803) 536-1635 today!


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