Sciatica Treatment

All Treatment Options Including Treatment With a Chiropractor

The primary goal of sciatica treatment is to increase mobility and relieve pain. Depending on the cause of the sciatic condition, in many cases, it goes away over time with the help of some self-care treatment options. These options include: 


  • Cold and heat therapy. First, you should apply an ice pack to reduce the pain and swelling. If you do not have an ice pack, you can also use frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel. You can apply it several times a day and hold for about 20 minutes. After a few days of cold therapy, switch to a heating pad. If the pain is not going away, you can also try switching between hot and cold packs.
  • Over-the-counter medicine. They are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, that reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling. However, before taking them, do not forget to discuss the side effects with your doctor. 
  • Exercises. You can try gentle stretching or light aerobic exercises to strengthen your back and core muscles. 

If after six weeks of self-care, the sciatic pain is not going away, it is time to see a doctor and try other treatment options. Here is the list of most common treatments that your doctor can suggest: 

  • Prescription drugs. Your doctor may prescribe you muscle relaxant to relieve pain and discomfort. Pain medicines can also be helpful, especially at the early stage of treatment. 
  • Physical therapy. It includes different exercises that help reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve. A standard physical therapy program includes stretching and aerobic exercises. Your doctor can refer you to a physical therapist, who will develop your personal program and recommend you special exercises that will help you recover faster. 
  • Spinal injections. Injections of the anti-inflammatory medicine known as corticosteroid can reduce pain and swelling around the affected sciatic nerve. As the injection is being given, you may feel some burning or stinging sensation, which is normal. You need to discuss with your healthcare provider the number of injections you can receive and all possible risks. 

The Role of a Chiropractic Care in Treating Sciatic Condition

 A chiropractor uses spinal adjustments to restore misaligned vertebral discs and take the pressure off the sciatic nerve. In most cases, a chiropractor can reduce sciatic symptoms within a couple of weeks. Moreover, regular chiropractic treatment contributes to the overall health and wellness and prevents sciatic condition reoccurrence. 

Marsh Chiropractic Center in Orangeburg, SC For Your Health and Wellness

If you are from Orangeburg, SC or any surrounding area and you are looking for a reliable chiropractic clinic to help you, Marsh Chiropractic Center is your perfect choice. Our team has been providing chiropractic services since 1950 and have already helped thousands of people. Therefore, do not hesitate to give us a call and schedule your first appointment with one of our specialists. 

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